What an Opportunity!

This past weekend I had a God-planned opportunity to see Beth Moore in San Antonio. A while back my dear friend Shannon sent an email advising me to read a book by Beth Moore and that Shannon along with her study group at church were doing Beth's newest devotion plus she a small group of ladies from her church were going to her conference.

I thought, oh man, I wanna go! But at the same time, I didn't know anything about Beth Moore. I had read couple of things and was told a couple of things by various people so honestly my thoughts on her was this......she is probably a long-winded motivational speaker who gives some scripture verses mixed in with liking to hear herself talk.

Well......I got an email from Shannon inviting me and my friend Cameron to see Beth Moore with their group. Some ladies couldn't make it and she invited us!! I got all excited just knowing I was going to spend time way from home with two of my closest friends!! In fact, I was so motivated to go I weaned M from nursing! Michael took well (much to easy) to weaning completely from nursing and straight on to whole milk! You should have seen him, I introduced it to him and that was it! He loves whole milk! To top it off, I got him sleeping straight through the night with help from my beloved friend Cameron!! My own method turned out to be a temporary fix. But the tools she gave me worked!! I really can't thank her enough!!! Especially because we are all sleeping so much better and I should have asked her for these tools a long time ago!!

Anyway, on to my point. We get to the conference and Beth Moore was not at all what I expected! She is a God-filled woman! She gave scripture verse after scripture verse and I was convicted to grow so much deeper in his word and in quite time with him! I have been doing what I was convicted of from the moment I got home!

God spoke right through her in delivering his message to us. She began with teaching us "The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance". From the old testament to the new testament, inheritance from God always involves three elements. Presence, people, and property.

She proceeded with these three points.
1) I am an heir of God. my life is not left to chance.
2) I am an heir of God. I am inheriting a kingdom.
3) I am an heir of God. He is my portion.....and I am His.
How mind blowing! He considers US His portion! His inheritance!

What taught me even more so is that I cannot look to other people for affirmation, only Jesus can identify me, I am an heir of God...I can be secure. She said if you look to other people for affirmation you are placing them in a Christ hood position. How many times do we as women look to others to make us feel better about ourselves. Our identity is NOT in what other people think of us including our spouse. Our identity is only found in Christ, not man. I can't preach it here the same way she did, it's not my gift or calling, however, it's a small taste of how God message was revealed to us.

God used Beth to teach us so much but one other area that hit home for me what "Never let ministry interrupt your intimacy with God". Being with my husband at seminary and preparing for ministry......I think this is probably the most important lesson as a couple.

Visit Beth Moore's blog and be blessed!
I also encourage you to visit my friend Cameron's blog....to the right of my page titled 4Hallgirls. You can read her version of this conference and personally, she delivered the results so much better than I have done! You will be blessed!


  1. Anonymous said...
    It sounds like it was a huge blessing!
    The Hall's said...
    You did a great job!!! You are too sweet with all your kind words! Glad y'all are sleeping better and SO GLAD to spend the weekend with you!
    Rebecca said...
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    Rebecca said...
    Hey there--it was definitley a huge blessing and it was life changing for me.

    Cameron I had such a great time with you I hope we get to do something like this again!
    JGWmom said...
    I'm so glad that you were so blessed by this!!! It was such a blessing to me to have you and Cameron come with us!!! We will definitely have to do it again sometime! Beth is truly annointed by the Holy Spirit to relay the Truth of His Word!!! Our a.m. ladies Bible Study group is going to do her "Believing God" study this fall (it's the one our p.m. class did last Spring); our p.m. group is going to do "Jesus, the One and Only" this fall. I can hardly wait!!! God is always so faithful to meet us in His Word! I will be praying for you as He continues to meet you there, too!!

    Love ya,

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