Michael Cleaning up?!

I didn't have time to turn the kitchen light on once Jason told me to tape Michael.....I just I grabbed my camera and started. Sorry it's not bright and please excuse my weeding out pile on the freezer. And well, the stuff on the floor comes from Michael getting into everything. We didn't know he would start throwing stuff away though.....so now we really gotta watch him! HE IS TOO CUTE!! Enjoy him!


  1. Jennifer said...
    That is too funny. He moves fast.
    JGWmom said...
    Oh Boy! He is too cute! Believe me your life will not be the same! I'm sure I've lost silverware because of my boys throwing them away, no telling what else! Also, I have to check the washing machine and dishwasher before using them to see what may have been "stashed" in them. Life is an adventure with Boys! Have Fun!!!:)
    JGWmom said...
    P.S. I like your calendar! ;)
    Rebecca said...
    He is definitely all over the place especially when going up the stairs.

    Shannon...Thought you might like the calendar ;0

    My mother-in-law keeps telling me and Jason boys are totally different and we are going to have our hands full with him. Hopefully he won't throw silverware away.....the girls have before but while scrapping there plates into the trash. Somehow they thought it was trash to I guess ;p I had to go buy some cheap silverware to get us through seminary since they got us down to almost nothing lol

    I think we are in for a ride!
    The Hall's said...
    You taught him early! Kids are just all so different. My 4 are all very different and some definitly more challenging than others!
    Rebecca said...
    Some children are definitely more challenging. He has learned all too well, I guess he picked it up from watching me throw things away..... I do that a lot.

    After church today, I came home and began making lunch. I turned the burner on and a couple min later he was whining (tired) so I picked him up and I walked over to the trash and threw something away and noticed the knob to the burner on the stove in the trash. I had turned on to cook noodles. He managed to pull it off and throw it in the trash. Fortunately I saw it ;p
    Jennifer said...
    You have an award on my blog today! Come and check it out.

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