Granbury is cute

We went into Granbury a week or so ago. It's a really cute but small town to stroll along with your family and walk in different shops. There is a tall tower clock in the center of the square.......actually, looks EXACTLY like the little square we went to to see the Christmas parade when we visited you!! I don't have any pix judt one of the girls in a specialty shop goofing off and one of Michael at Babes bbq ...I think it was called. Other than that I took a couple of pix out the window while driving of these tree braches living in the lake water.........I was intrigued, never seen leafless trees living in water in the middle of a big ole lake! We had a really good time and it was so nice to walk into all the stores just to look around. The change of scenery was really nice too.

Now........anyone curious as to why I have no more pix? I'll tell you anyway, my hubby-boo wouldn't let me...grant it, I was a bit shy to take pix with people all around too, however-I hardly think I looked like a TOURIST......right LOL?? Jason said I looked like a tourist lol and he is more introverted than I am so I gave into him by not take any more pix. He's the one who couldn't wait to take us because it looked just like the square in Hamilton, TX.......But I did get pix of the girls and Michael.......darn, I spent a while doing my hair too so he could take a few pix of me and the girls :0


  1. The Hall's said...
    Love that store! Oh and looks like y'all ate at Babe's! YUM!
    Rebecca said...
    YUM! is right! Actually, Babe's is the whole reason we went in the first place because Jason went with a couple friends from work. GREAT VEGGIES! I was addicted!
    The Hall's said...
    You know there is a Babe's in Burleson, right?
    Rebecca said...
    now that you mention that, he did say there is one there. I think he said this one was supposedly better according to his friend.

    Does Burleson have a cute little square too?
    The Hall's said...
    I have eaten at 3 different Babe's and they all taste the same to me. Yes, Burleson does have an old square and the Babe's there has 2 gift shops in it that I love.
    Rebecca said...
    next time we will go there.....I'd love to see it! I just love getting out period.

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