Out of the clear blue sky

Well, I had a visitor pop up yesterday out of the clear blue sky! It was actually a rude awakening which explained my little melt down last week. See, I tend to get a bit up-tight before Aunt Flow comes to town.

The problem is that it was completely unexpected. I had been feeling bad the last couple of weeks and wasn't sure what it was. I was crying over things I never cry over. I have not had Aunt Flow since December of 06 when I found out I was pregnant with Michael!

I never have a cycle when I am nursing...........guess I am wrong this time lol

When I nursed Alyssa Aunt Flow didn't come until I was completely done nursing her. I stopped nursing Alyssa at 11 months old because she bit me. Now when I say she bit me.... it was not a nibble! She bit so hard it drew blood and I was a purple blue red color....... I never felt such pain! I was done, I had Jason get her some formula until she was ready to have whole milk.

So right now I am in shock. I can't believe I started! I thought I was good to go at least September or October after nursing him for a yr! NOT. HA!

I just can't seem to wrap my brain around the "how" and "why".


  1. Jennifer said...
    I'm not looking forward to that happening to me. How has your nursing been affected?

    Charlotte had a weekend when she bite me a lot, but fortunately for me there was no blood involved.
    Rebecca said...
    Hey Jen--

    Nursing hasn't been affected any.

    Good to hear Charlotte has been nice to you so far lol

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