I need y'all to pray for me. I don't know what is wrong with me. I can't even describe how I am feeling right now. It really has nothing to do with crib bedding or getting irritated with Jason or baby stuff etc.......but what I am feeling is filtering out into other areas right now and it's not good. I just don't really know how to explain myself. I do have a lot weighing on me right now but I don't think it's that either.
I'm just not my usual self and I am feeling it......
So, if y'all would pray for me I would appreciate it.
I am feeling down, cranky, and things that don't usually bother me or crawl under my skin are right now. Yes, I know I am pregnant, but I don't want to use that as my excuse. I don't know what's wrong with me lately. It includes these 9 pieces: Crib Quilt Crib Bumper Fitted Sheet Crib Skirt (Dust Ruffle) 2 Window Valances Diaper Stacker Toy Bag Decorative Pillow
I got mad at Jason last night when I showed him crib bedding that I REALLY want and when I showed him a couple he chose this one too and all though he really likes it too he doesn't want to spend the money for it. It's SO much cheaper than the others I had in mind! It's not my fault I have good taste that happens to be expensive. Sometimes I tell Jason he can't afford me.......joking around. I DO LOVE to shop and I mostly window shop but I can shop till I drop! But Jason will tell you I can shop until every one else drops leaving me no choice but to go home ;p
It's rare for me to get mad at him, especially over something like this! So what is wrong with me.....
Just take a look at this set! It's well under a hundred dollars for 9 Pieces!! AND the price includes shipping! I am an ebay girl! It's the same seller I bought Michael's crib bedding and Amber's recent bedding which is totally cute. The other issue is this.... I would use what I bought for Michael only it CLASHES with the blue walls. I would repaint it but it's SO much work that I will have to do by myself! I have never been able to decorate a baby's room before so that's probably what I am feeling selfish about? And I admit, I am picky, more than I should be. It takes me for ever to pick something out but when I do I keep it forever.
You know letters made out of wood or resin that is decorated to put your baby's name above the crib. Well, I looked into that for Madison and it was going to cost over $200. No Way! So I then thought I "heck, I can make it". I looked at walmart and their wood letters are cheap all I have to do is decorate and use a small staple gun to attach the ribbon and then hang on the wall. This is a project I am excited about but I have to find bedding first.
Yesterday at 4 in the morning I heard Michael cry or more like a whine from his room...he was cold and holding his blanket up for me to cover him (I learned later) because he doesn't know how to cover himself quite yet.
But first... I went to get out of bed and my feet slid on the floor (we have hard wood flooring) and I slipped crashing my head and shoulder into my dresser and slid the rest of the way down crashing on the floor so hard landing my left side. I couldn't move. I was like dead weight going down and it happened so fast I could not react. It hurt!! Jason flew out of bed yelling if I was okay and helped me get up, I was still half asleep so all I did was moan “ooooohhhh”.
Once I got up I stayed up and drank something sweet and then the baby moved around and I didn’t want to call my doctor right away or over react etc…I am going to go to my chiropractor. My neck and spine is out of whack now along with my pelvis. The left side of my body is in so much pain. I bruised my head and it hurts to touch plus my ear hurts along with my shoulder arm and on down the line.
They sent me to labor and delivery at the hospital to be checked. I felt a little silly going, only because I am not the type of person who goes to the doctor for every little thing.
They hooked me up to the monitors. One for me and one for the baby. She is perfect but the fall caused Uterine Irritation which is why I feel cramps with some sharp pangs and contraction like feelings etc.... She moved around so much that the nurse finally came in and had to sit down, make conversation with us, and follow her with the monitor to get a couple minuets of good heart beat reading for the doctor. I told Jason how active she is.
So, I have to take it easy the next couple of days, take warm baths, and Tylenol. Praise the Lord we are okay. I was not terribly concerned, however the doctors and nurses are. Apparently there are many women, according to the nurse, who have such falls or car accidents that the Uterus reacts to the impact and as a way of nature and tries to expel the baby. Apparently it's pretty tricky because when this happened the baby begins to react to the placenta which is reacting to the Uterus and they have been able to save babies and others they could not save. I begin my 29th week on Sunday.
Fortunately the Lord had his hand on us because it was a really bad fall I took and I am grateful that I got the blunt of it and not the baby and even more so I am happy that my Uterus did not react in haste. I'm just in a lot of pain.
By the way we have have a name for our baby girl.
This morning I was reminded by my children how they truly know what love is at an early age, at least when it comes to loving mom and dad. They touch me this morning, they both gave a hand-made card to me and to Jason and have not expected anything in return. They also reminded me that you can't buy love.
This card is from Alyssa.
She told me I am her super hero lol....I still can't find my cape.
From Amber.
I think she knew how bad I felt that we are unable to treat them today. We are blessed today though, my dad and his wife are taking us to lunch or dinner for Valentine's day. I am definitely reminded that you can't buy Love :) Happy Valentine's Day my friends! I love you will all my heart!
P.s...Shannon, I am still working on the "house" post.
View from our front porch before winter
We have since moved the little white fence that is sitting against the rail
Kitchen and living room windows
I would eventually like two rocking chairs to sit on the front porch, for now I am using our red camp chairs you will see later.
We have since moved the table and chairs that don't belong to us in the back yard.
The tree you see behind the van is a Pear Tree. This house that technically owns it is abandoned
Now I will take you out back.
Door to our bedroom from the back porch
We have cleaned up a lot since moving in. It's been very tiring.
The fan blades will be replaced by summer I believe and the cracks will be filled in as well. Oh, and back doors will be replaced as well.
See the brown wicker table and chairs? They gave these to us and I repainted them Walnut Brown and when I can I will be buying cushions for them.
We have done a good amount of work back here since. I need to find out if I can give the back porch a fresh coat of paint.
I like having a fenced in back yard
side yard and cute stairs leading to the kitchen door
back yard
Back porch
Here we go inside. I hope ya'll won't mind that I am not going in order. Blogger does not have an efficient way to organize pictures in order when uploading them so I would be here even longer if I did that.
Viewing our school closet from the hall way. The door to your left is the bathroom door and to your right is A, M, and Baby's room.
An inside look at the Bathroom. I am especially excited about having a bathroom window! Haven't had one since I moved out of my parents house when I married Jason. I do plan to eventually change the shower curtain etc...
It was chaos moving in...... I didn't actually see this till the guys were done because I was cleaning the town house
Cameron helped push us to get more done since I watched the girls so she could take sweet Sallie to the doctor..We busted a move to have walking space etc....SO, I took these in honor of Cameron! The girls had FUN with Michael getting into things while I was in the kitchen getting pizza ready to eat. I could not help but to laugh and take pix.
Look at Millie and Lizzy... you can tell they are use to getting their picture taken, they stopped and looked at me when I had the camera in hand LOL
Jason taking a final exam right after getting everything moved in.
final exam face....so serious ;p
I caught a picture of Amber witnessing to one of the kids in the neighborhood. She talked to him for awhile about Jesus and becoming a Christian. she did very well and then he said he had to go so Amber thanked him for coming to play and told him she would be here all week while painting if he had more questions but he never came back.....
Just keep smiling baby....
Hope she will enjoy this for a while
Michael decided to help.....paint
roasted pepper for top half and pecan Sandie for the bottom half.
Now, the pictures on the wall are plastered in the wall so they can't be moved. However, I did manage to put my home interiors window pane mirror in the middle and you will see it later.
Michael helping daddy
viewing Alyssa, M and baby's room from kitchen
the hall way used to be yellow
Bathroom....I love how there is a built in laundry hamper to your right. You pull the little door down and drop your clothes, then open the two bottom cabinets to gather the laundry.
Storage above the bath tub
View from the kitchen eating area....don't tell Jason he's balding hee-hee
This is the kitchen before I got my hands on it.
Kitchen eating area and I just thought..... I completely forgot to take pictures of what the kitchen looked like before painting it! The top was a yellow orange (not sure how to describe it) color and the bottom half was white.
viewing the kitchen eating area from the living room
Living room before we painted it.
Living room before we started. Brought our play yard so M could take naps and keep him from getting into toooo much.
living room view from the hallway
hall way view from our bedroom
our bathroom. I first painted it pecan sandie and since I have repainted it pot of cream.
Our bedroom before. We have a cute little door that goes out to the back porch.
Amber's room. She was dieing for Blue, but now has changed her mind to a pink color since we foudn bedding she really loves, so there will be a new project in the making.....but not right now.
Alyssa, Michael, and baby's room. I wanted to paint it a green color, I love green especially sage, but Alyssa won and now tells me she wants it green, but I am not repainting this room.
View at night from our side garage door to the front door. To the left is our mailbox.
From the front door to the garage door. Which is also the porch.
I have since finally found a good arange ment for this bedroom for all the furntiure to fit safely.
This is still before
It was soooo cramped this way
It took me forever to figure out a good furniture arangement that you will see in the next post.
What a mess to go through....but it's over, yay
I will be working on after pix here shortly. Uploading and sorting is a PAIN with blogger. They need to get with Facebook like yesterday.
If the pictures are confusing I a sorry. Just ask if you are wondering something. In the mean time I will be working the after pix.